When life hands you the unexpected, Mountain of Change is here to help you and your child find sure footing again.

Black Mother and Son Embracing

About Mountain of Change Counseling and Psychological Services

Mountain of Change Counseling and Psychological services was created in late 2023 to provide individual and parent involved therapy for children ages 0-12, teenagers ages 13-17, young adults ages 18-24, and parents. We aim to give you and your child ways to work on feeling empowered in daily life, manage the range of emotions (e.g. feeling worried, overwhelmed, or sad) that come with a medical condition/life changes, and to get closer in your relationship with each other.

Meet Dr. Evette Addai

Owner and Pediatric Psychologist

Headshot of Dr. Evette Addai, a Black Woman child Psychologist

Dr. Evette Addai (owner and clinician)  is a pediatric psychologist providing mental health therapy to young children, preschoolers, school aged children, teenagers, and adults with medical conditions and/or mental health concerns. She provides individual counseling and family support for children, teenagers, and adults. She also provides parent management training for parents of preschoolers with severe tantrums, parents of children with ADHD, and parents of children with Autism. She has worked and trained in multiple settings, including medical hospitals, outpatient health clinics, the Veterans Administration, inpatient psychiatric units, and college counseling centers.

She has conducted research on self-care for Black women, wellbeing for medical trainees, and the use of continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps with Black and Hispanic children with Type 1 diabetes. She is committed to social justice for BIPOC, LBGTQ, and differently abled communities.

In her free time, she loves spending time with her family and friends, hiking, exploring new neighborhoods, making music, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, interior decorating, and adores caring for her houseplants.




University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, NY


State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

        Combined Ph.D. School/Counseling Psychology



Southwest Consortium, Albuquerque, NM

     New Mexico VA and University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital


Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX

    Pediatric Psychology Track.

We can help. Services offered:

Individual Mental Health Counseling for Children and Teens

Parent Management Therapy

Individual Mental Health Therapy for Young Adults

We offer afternoon and evening hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Explore Which Conditions I Treat